“You’re Hired” Club – 2015


Your Hired Club-2015

It’s been a busy year around here. We have expanded our Community Employment team and as a result we have been able to assist quite a few people in landing and keeping jobs.

Because we know that it is always so exciting to hear those two magic words “You’re Hired!”, the Pearl Buck Community Employment team would like to congratulate and welcome each person who has been employed this year to the ‘You’re Hired’ Club!

AmandaCamryn JosefKenShopDionJasonBrianScottKang HiredJorden HiredChrisMarisol HiredCodyChris HiredJamie HiredAllen HiredMatt HiredGabby Hiredposter_from_postermywallposter_from_postermywallGlenn HiredJonathon HiredMaddie Hiredposter_from_postermywallTiana HiredAmanda Hired